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Category: vbArticles
[Fixed] "invalid file" error

Hi Cinq. I have installed the vBarticles system with no problem. I am attemtping to upload my first article and I get a "invalid file Specified" error when trying to save the article. Any ideas?

You didn't upload an article image :)

Is an image required? Also I don't see a link to the "General FAQ/Installation/Admin User Guide" on Where can I download those? I'm not sure how to use the program and am just trying to figure it out.

Yep it's required.

Haven't done up the PDF documentation yet.
I am getting v2.0 ready for her release :)

Documentation will soon follow. :)

So I need to create icons for categories and attach images for articles. Any specifications on the size of the icons and images? Do I upload those to the images/articles folder or are they automatically uploaded and resized when selected in "Add Category" and "Add New Article"?


Yep it's required.

Haven't done up the PDF documentation yet.
I am getting v2.0 ready for her release :)

Documentation will soon follow. :)

Just use the browse button to find the image on your local system, and after completing the article/or category details, click submit and the image will be uploaded for you. Basic dimensions resizing is done on display.

You DO NOT have to manually go into FTP to upload the article/category images.

So you are saying anyone that submits an article has to submit some sort of an icon? Is there a way around this??

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